We offer you the option of having lunch provided to you kid from Papaspirou catering. Please contact us for more...
NURSERY: Charilaou Trikoupi & Crete 20, ZIP CODE: 145 63 Kifissia, TEL: 210-8010459
KINDERGARTEN: Sparta 26 &Dagli, ZIP CODE:145 63 Kifissia, TEL & Fax: 210-8010878
Working Hours
NURSERY: MONDAY – FRIDAY, 7.50 a.m. – 4p.m.
Welcome To The Web Site
Every child is a miracle!
All parents had the unique happiness to watch the miracle of our child’s birth. And then, the joy of watching this piece from our body slowly unfolds the aspects of their own distinct personality and transforms into an autonomous, independent entity.
At TENDER AGE, we, as Teachers-Kindergarten, believe that we need to be respectful of the child’s specificity, to help them discover and express freely their individual abilities.
Our Kindergarten
The Nursery School with the distinctive title “Tender Age Schools S.A.” has been operating under license from the Ministry of Health and Welfare since 2008. We follow the curriculum of the Kindergarten and we have the English course included in our program daily (Greek section: 1 hour daily, English section: 2 hours per day)
Weekly Activities

The weekly program includes a music lesson.

Once a month, children (depending on their age) are engaged in cooking or pastry.

It is a group activity through which its members can express themselves and communicate. Our goal is not the satisfaction of the audience but only of the child. We avoid comparisons better – worse or correct – wrong. This creates a climate of confidence and confidence. Necessary to release the child and to express his dreams, fears, anxieties, feelings. By approaching each other they learn to cooperate, communicate, respect and recognize the right of others to express themselves in different ways, to be different. They touch difficult issues such as human relationships. Thus we have a smooth entrance of the child into the world of the big ones without straightening his personality. We draw on everyday life, fairy tales, folk tradition, etc.

Once a month, usually Friday, all children watch either a play or a puppet show.